Can you run a marathon with your work colleagues in less than 4 hours?
Can you run faster or fundraise more than the IT, Marketing, Sales, Logistics,… department? How about all the other companies in Australia? How about the whole world?
The Corporate Team Marathon is an exciting challenge open to all companies and corporations, to see who is the fastest and most generous.
To join all you need to do is get a team of up to 21 runners together, and cover 42.2km during Friday March 11th 2022. Easy right?
Get up to 21 of your workmate together to run 42.2km in less than 4 hours to raise awareness and funds for cancer prevention.
Run on a treadmill, road, trail, in the morning, during the day or in the middle of the night… anytime, anywhere you’d like, every km counts!
The challenge will take place between Friday, March 11th 2022. Times and distances will be tracked through your strava activities to feed our leaderboard.
The Rules in brief:
Ahead of the race:
Race day:
The official leaderboards will be made available soon after the race concludes
While the entry fee is A$10 per person, all donations will go towards the funding of Cancer Council Healthy lunch box project.
We use strava to track your activities. Strava is the world biggest social community for athletes, where you can upload all your activities directly from your sports’ watch or using their app. Sign-up is totally free.
After you have registered for the challenge on the platform, simply login and click the “Strava connect” button to link your profile
For this challenge, we will be retrieving all activities with the title “#OUTRUNCANCERDAY Corporate Marathon” completed between 00:01 and 23:59 on March 11th 2022.
Unfortunately not.
To keep things fair and eliminate manual work, we ask you to create a free account on strava and connect it OUTRUN CANCER profile.
While ideally, you can title it right away, you have until 5 PM on 14/03/2021 before we start processing the data.
We will only add to the leaderboard your activity titled “#OUTRUNCANCERDAY Corporate Marathon”
Team are between 4 and 21 runners from the same company or association.
The first person to register a new team becomes the de-facto Team Captain.
You run how far you want!
The minimum distance for each runner is 1km (continuos), from there, the sky is the limit! We will sum all your day running/walking activities to your team total.
Yes, how many as you would like, we will add them all up!
We will be tracking only your strava activities titled “#OUTRUNCANCERDAY Corporate Marathon”.
While this is a team challenge, you can also run on your own, anytime, anywhere! We will add the distance you ran to your team.
ps: if you can, running with others is awesome! You go faster, longer and it’s more fun!
Good question!
In that case, we will round the time to estimate your marathon time.
For example, say your team has cumulative run 45km in 03:15:00 (04:20 min/km) – your marathon time will be readjusted to be 03:02:43
There is no such thing as finishing a marathon short!
In that case, your team total will reflect the distance and time completed. We know you can do it!
The first person to register a new team becomes the de-facto Team Captain. As such, they can manage the team fundraising page, set the marathon and fundraising targets and are our first point of contact for team communications and … prizes!
Team Captains are one the most prestigious figures in the OUTRUN CANCER community. We carve their name on the trunk of the old gumtree so they can be remembered for years to come.
Teams captains are awesome!
In short, ideally not. If you can’t participate anymore, we encourage you to get a friend or colleague to take your place and sort out the registration costs directly with them. If you can’t find anyone to take your place, maybe think of it as small donation for all the great work we are doing!
But if you feel so strongly you’d like a refund, drop us a line and we will surely sort you out!
All donations for this campaign go towards the funding of the Healthy Lunchbox website.
Every donation will receive a tax-deductible receipt via email within 24 hours.
Sorry about that.
If after checking your spam folder (sender is ) you still can’t find your receipt, please email us with the details of your donation and we will get back to you at light speed!
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